Individual Development Plan

An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is an essential tool to help postdoctoral trainees:
- assess current skills, interests, and strengths;
- make a plan for developing skills to meet academic and professional goals; and
- communicate with supervisors, advisors, and mentors about evolving goals and related skills.
Is it required?
The university recommends IDPs for all postdoctoral researchers and graduate students.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires PIs' annual progress reports to include a section on how IDPs are being used to identify and promote the career goals of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers associated with the award.
As of May 20, 2024, the National Science Foundation (NSF) requires funded graduate students and postdocs to have IDPs. PIs will need to certify in annual and final reports that grad students and postdocs “receiving substantial support from such award [have] developed and updated annually an individual development plan to map educational goals, career exploration, and professional development.”
Online Resources to Help You Create Your IDP
You can find templates, videos and other resources on the IDP website, including tips for discussing your IDP with your mentor.
Individual Advice on Creating Your IDP
Request a confidential individual career advising session to learn how to define achievable goals, identify resources, and develop strategies for implementing and sustaining an IDP. Alternatively, attend a campus workshop on creating an IDP tailored to graduate students and postdocs.
Contact for Questions
Email Brady Krien (, Associate Director for Career Development, Office of Postdoctoral Studies if you have any questions about developing your IDP.
Need Assistance?
We can help. Contact us.