
Current Openings

To set up a postdoctoral training position you should contact a UW–Madison professor in your field directly and determine if they would be interested in mentoring you. Some, but not all, current openings for postdoctoral training are also listed on the website of the Office of Human Resources.


Finding a Mentor

In addition to searching the University's website, you can use the Research at UW–Madison database to identify the right UW–Madison professor for your training needs. This database provides easy access to information on the thousands of researchers at UW–Madison. You may search by keywords relating to your research interests, by researcher name or view an alphabetical list of researchers in a particular department, program or institute.


Application Process

Unless otherwise stated within a position listing, you should contact the professor directly and minimally provide a cover letter explaining your interests and a curriculum vitae (CV). There are no application forms to complete.


Funding Your Position

Postdoctoral training positions may be funded in several different ways:

  • Mentor – The majority of UW–Madison postdocs are supported by their mentor’s funds from research grants or other sources. Contact your prospective mentor to determine if they have funding to support your training within their group.
  • Individual fellowship – Some postdocs secure funding for their training from an outside organization prior to the start of their postdoctoral training or during it.
  • Training programs – UW–Madison faculty have also secured funding from outside organizations specifically to support postdoctoral training.

Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: webmaster@postdoc.wisc.edu.
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