Problem Resolution

Postdoctoral training should be intellectually rewarding, productive and trouble-free. However, if you do find yourself in need of assistance for whatever reason, there are several resources available on campus to assist you.

You may find yourself in need of assistance on issues ranging from 'workplace' problems, such as disputes with your mentor, personality conflicts with colleagues, or sexual harassment, to personal problems such as stress or depression. Regardless of the source or nature of the problem, there are places to turn for help.

If you have problems associated with the workplace, talk to your mentor first. Generally, it is better to resolve problems informally and 'in-house' if at all possible. If you are not satisfied after speaking with your mentor or if your problem involves your mentor, your next step should be to consult with your department chair. If a satisfactory resolution is still not achieved, you can bring the matter to the attention of the dean's office in your school/college.

At any time you may also seek assistance, information or referrals from the following offices:

Employee Assistance Office

The Employee Assistance Office is a resource provided by the University of Wisconsin to assist faculty and staff, and their immediate family members or significant others who are finding it difficult to successfully cope with personal or work related issues and concerns. Their services promote emotional well-being as well as respectful and productive work environments. Contact with the Employee Assistance Office is always voluntary. Services provided are confidential (within limits as governed by Federal and State regulations) and free of charge.

Office for Equity and Diversity

The Office for Equity and Diversity is a unit within the Office of the Provost. It promotes, integrates, and transfers equity and diversity principles to nurture human resources and advance the mission of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The office provides leadership and consultation to develop and implement equity and diversity strategies throughout the campus, and coordinates campus compliance with affirmative action and equal opportunity requirements.

Contact the Office for Equity and Diversity if you have concerns regarding:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Disability Accommodations
  • Discrimination/Harassment
  • Affirmative Action

Ombuds Office

If you are having a problem in your workplace and need a fresh perspective or simply someone who will lend an ear, you have a safe, confidential place to turn. The University Ombuds Office provides informal and impartial advice on ways of promoting understanding and communication and on how problems among members of the faculty and staff might be resolved. The five staff members of the Ombuds Office are retired faculty or staff whose extensive knowledge of the UW campus enables them to offer suggestions for problem resolution, especially those not being adequately addressed through other channels.

There are several University and community resources available to help you with any personal problems you are experiencing. The Employee Assistance Office may be able to assist you directly. If not, they may refer you to alternative resources.

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